Modern Medicine will not help you in the backcountry. You have to get out first Survive

Real Life Survival Scenarios

  • Desert Survival.

    The desert survival course will equip participants with essential skills, such as finding water sources, aquiring food, navigating through scorching landscapes, and constructing makeshift shelters, ensuring their ability to endure and thrive in the harsh desert environment.

  • Family Survival.

    This private family survival course offers a unique opportunity for families to learn invaluable skills together, including wilderness navigation, fire building, emergency medical care, and food procurement, fostering a strong sense of self-reliance and preparedness for any unforeseen circumstances.

  • Ancient Ways Survival

    Experience life as the ancients in this survival course focused on ancient Native American skills that will provide invaluable knowledge and techniques for thriving in nature, encompassing vital skills such as fire-making, shelter-building, foraging, and tracking.